Spring into new routines!

Spring into new routines!

Spring is here, a time of renewal and growth! There’s something about the energy of this season that encourages us to check-in on our routines and make adjustments. As a Latina-owned wellness shop, we understand the importance of incorporating cultural traditions and practices into our daily wellness routines. Here are three habits and routines that may help you spring into a more grounded YOU!

  1. Plant a Tecito Garden

In some recycled containers sow seeds from your favorite teas. I feel like every tea garden should have hierbabuena or mint. It’s the perfect tea to enjoy after a big meal. I think our abuelitas would insist on manzanilla or chamomile. The perfect tea to soothe anxious nerves, help you fall asleep and so handy with itchy bug bites now that we’re all spending more time outdoors. Just make a strong chamomile tea, allow the liquid to cool and dab it on bug bites. 

Toronijil or Lemon Balm is another wonderful and easy-to-grow herb. It has a great flavor while also helping us subir los animos (lift our spirits). We also love it for its antioxidants and liver support. 

  1. Spring Clean Your Body

Everyone talks about spring cleaning our homes but not enough are discussing spring cleaning our body! It’s no coincidence that as we step out of winter hibernation to  spend more time outdoors, there are plants growing right outside our doorstep that get our internal systems moving. Visit your local park and keep an eye out for Diente de Leon or dandelion leaves! This is the time to gather them, since it’s less bitter when the leaves are young and tender. Before you go foraging, ensure the following: the area you’re foraging from is not sprayed with chemicals, you can 100% identify dandelion in all its growth stages and finally, that the area allows foraging. Once you have them, you can sauté them with a little garlic, olive oil and splash of lemon and salt. Or add a few leaves to your smoothie or salad. Does it taste bitter? Yup, that’s what’s helping our liver!

  1.  Set an intention for the season 

Take a few minutes to do a body scan. Cierre los ojitos (close your eyes), take a deep breathe in and out, then starting from your toes and working your way up, check-in with your body. What part of your body feels good? What feels uncomfortable? What can you do to help that area of your body feel good again? Now take a look at your current routine, what does the first hour of your morning look like? What about the hour before bed? New seasons are a nice time to give our bodies a chance to tell us if we’re doing right by it and if not, it’s an opportunity to do everything we can to make her feel good and safe. Set an intention this Spring of one thing you will do to ensure your body and mind can feel really GOOD this season. 

We hope you find these tips helpful and wish you all the best as you embark on your wellness journey this season!

Con mucho amor, 


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